NeNe Leakes Hits HSN and Sells Out
NeNe Leakes appeared on HSN on July 28th and can now officially add fashion designer to her list of accolades. The Real Housewives of Atlanta star expressed her delight about the debut of her complete line, the NeNe Leakes Collection, “After a year in the making I am finally here HSN with The Nene Leakes Collection! Catch me today LIVE in the studio @ 4pm to 4:22 pm then again @ 9pm to 11pm. Tune in!”
The day was far from over when the NeNe share more good news, “We have sold out of various styles and I thank you soooooooooooo much for all your support!!,” she continued.
Clearly NeNe knows how to sell and used all platforms available to her including posting a photo on Instagram while at the HSN studio with the caption, “…. Amy and I are wearing the cold shoulder tunic available in various colors & sizes. We only have a few left! I will be showing more of the line today from noon to 2pm. Then again @ 4pm for 15mins then @ 9pm to 11pm. Tune in!” she wrote on Instagram, captioning a photo of her in the HSN studio.
NeNe ‘s supportive husband Gregg Leakes went as far as to model a piece to show his unwavering support for his wife.
“My hunni Gregg came out on stage @ #HSN and modeled one of the Cold Shoulder Tunics LOL! We are having a ball selling The Nene Leakes Collection 2day!” Indeed, they did!